Wednesday, February 1st

CrossFit Vae Victis – CrossFit

Kalsu (Time)

For Time:

100 Thrusters, 135# / 95#

*Perform 5 Burpees Every Minute on the Minute*
In honor of LT Robert James Kalsu (April 13, 1945 – July 21, 1970)
To learn more about Kalsu click here
*Most people will not Rx this workout. Pick a thruster weight you feel you can do 4-5 reps each minute

*30 Minute Cap

Foam Rolling/Mobility

3 Minutes – Foam Roll Calves, Hamstrings, Glutes, Quads, T-Spine and Lats

2 Minutes – Calf and Ankle Stretches and Wall Quad Stretch

2 Minutes – Band Shoulder/Pec/Lat Stretches and Internal/External Rotation Mobility


500m Row

Coaches Choice Dynamic Warm-up

Posted in Workout of the Day.