December Member of the Month

December AOM-Sam Silverman


Congratulations to our member of the month, Sam Silverman!!!


We have decided to close out the year by selecting a member of the month who has shown constant improvement, a relentless work ethic and a motivating attitude to all those around them. Sam is a devoted member of our 6am rise and grind crew and rarely, if ever, misses a workout. He shows up every day of the week and often hits extra work on the weekends. Sam is the first person in the gym every day before 6am, working hard on extra mobility work and preparing for the daily workout ahead of him. He is also one of the last people each day to head out after class, hitting buy outs on a daily basis and as we all know, crushing each monthly challenge.

Over the course of the past 10 months, Sam has followed the program to the letter and has hit more PR’s than any member of the gym. We could sit here and say that this is because of the programming but we know that it is so much more than that. It’s his constant attention to detail, intelligent training and a desire to constantly get better that has brough him such success. He is often one of the first members to complete the workout each day but chooses not to be finished there as he continues to push each person in class until they have finished. We thank him for being such a positive influence to all of our members.

We look forward to seeing him continue to get better over the course of the next year and congratulate him on all his hard work and a successful 2015 training.


Below are a few fun facts about Sam that you might not know.


What are your favorite movements? 

             Rope climbs

What is your least favorite movement?

           Thrusters tied with running

How did you get into CrossFit and how long have you been training?

I was working out at home doing body weight movements and wanted a new challenge. My uncle told me about CrossFit, so I googled it and checked out another local CrossFit box. I then tried another local box, before finding me home here.

What is your favorite thing about CrossFit?

Finishing the last rep and getting that feeling of relief and accomplishment

What do you like most about CrossFit Vae Victis?

         The people in my “Rise and Grind” crew of course!

Favorite cheat food?


Tell us one interesting fact about you others may not know.

         I fly drones all over Voorhees. I’d love to film one of our WODs via drone…

Name one goal or personal record you want to achieve in the next year?



Once again, congratulations go out to Sam, and check back next month for January’s Member of the Month. It will be a new year, but we will still be highlighting one of our great members that is killing it in the box.

Posted in Blog.