Tuesday, March 3rd

CrossFit Vae Victis – CrossFit

Foam Rolling/Mobility

3 Minutes – Foam Roll T-Spine and Lats with overhead reach

10 Glute Bridges

10 Windmills –

10 Cat/Camels –

10 T-Spine Openers –

Wrist Mobility plus 5-10 Push-ups

Skill Work/Activation

3-5 Wall Climbs

5-10 Kick to Handstand (Wall or Freestanding)

10-20 Weight Shift in Handstand or Shoulder Touches in Push-up Plank Position

Push Press (3×3)

Build to a peak set of 3 for the day – Aim for 80-90% of 1RM based off feel – Note heaviest set

Metcon (Time)

For Time:

50 Double Unders

15 Pull-ups

40 Double Unders

12 Pull-ups

30 Double Unders

9 Pull-ups

20 Double Unders

6 Pull-ups

10 Double Unders

3 Pull-ups

*2:1 Single Unders

*Competitors can choose to sub Muscle-ups 5-4-3-2-1 instead of Pull-ups

Additional Competitor Work

Every 90 Seconds For 3-4 Total Rounds:

1) 5-10 Strict Ring Dips + Max Kipping Ring Dips

2) 5-10 Kipping Swings on Rings

*Alternate Ring Dips on first 90 Seconds/Kipping Swings at next 90 seconds for 3-4 total rounds