Saturday, June 13th

CrossFit Vae Victis – CrossFit

Metcon (Time)

“3 Person Team WOD”

Run 200m Each (Sprint Relay)

150 DB Thrusters (45#/30#)

100 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

50 Burpees

Run 200m Each (Sprint Relay)

*Run Is Relay Style – 1 Person Sprints 200m, tags 2nd partner, then 3rd partner…

*Once all 3 teammates have completed their run, complete the required reps of each movement in order with…

*1 Person Working At A Time

*1 Person Holding 155#/105# (In Hang or Front Rack)

*1 Person Resting

* If the bar hits the ground, 20 Jumping Lunges for each person